In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Join Bridget Ericsson in a 60-minute on-line mat class. Bridget is a long-time fitness professional. She is a fully certified Pilates Methods Alliance...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Live By Living is partnering with Grand Valley Oncology’s Supportive Oncology & Survivorship Program to bring Walk Into Wellness to Grand Junction...view event
Join Dan and Melissa Gilstrap of Parker AdventHealth for a Live By Living walk around Sloan's Lake on Denver's west side, followed by social time/foo...view event
Join us for an on-line class with 30 minutes of movement. We will include Lymph-drainage exercises in our warm-up, then move through a circuit-style, ...view event
Join Ed Robb and Stephanie Lenkey at Pine Valley Ranch Park, south of Pine. We’ll start and end at Pine Valley Ranch parking, walk along the Narrow Ga...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Join Bridget Ericsson in a 60-minute on-line mat class. Bridget is a long-time fitness professional. She is a fully certified Pilates Methods Alliance...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Live By Living is partnering with Grand Valley Oncology’s Supportive Oncology & Survivorship Program to bring Walk Into Wellness to Grand Junction...view event
Join us for an on-line class with 30 minutes of movement. We will include Lymph-drainage exercises in our warm-up, then move through a circuit-style, ...view event
You will have the opportunity to raise awareness of Live By Living by providing information, brochures and opportunities to sign-up for the newsletter...view event
Join Ed Robb and Stephanie Lenkey at Flying J Ranch Park near Aspen Park. This is a pretty hike with not too much elevation gain, but it does have som...view event
Join Kaitlin and Hannah for peaceful river tubing and optional easy walk.
Parking and Put In: Shields River Access event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Join Bridget Ericsson in a 60-minute on-line mat class. Bridget is a long-time fitness professional. She is a fully certified Pilates Methods Alliance...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Live By Living is partnering with Grand Valley Oncology’s Supportive Oncology & Survivorship Program to bring Walk Into Wellness to Grand Junction...view event
Join us for an on-line class with 30 minutes of movement. We will include Lymph-drainage exercises in our warm-up, then move through a circuit-style, ...view event
Join Ed Robb and Stephanie Lenkey for an easy hike on Old Squaw Pass Road, between Bergen Park and Echo Lake. This hike will be on the old roadbed wes...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Join Bridget Ericsson in a 60-minute on-line mat class. Bridget is a long-time fitness professional. She is a fully certified Pilates Methods Alliance...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event
Live By Living is partnering with Grand Valley Oncology’s Supportive Oncology & Survivorship Program to bring Walk Into Wellness to Grand Junction...view event
Join us for an on-line class with 30 minutes of movement. We will include Lymph-drainage exercises in our warm-up, then move through a circuit-style, ...view event
You will have the opportunity to raise awareness of Live By Living by providing information, brochures and opportunities to sign-up for the newsletter...view event
Join Ed Robb and Stephanie Lenkey for an easy hike at Marilyn Mountain Quartz Valley Open Space Park at Black Hawk. We'll do the Historic Gilpin Tramw...view event
In these morning meditations we will explore basic breathing techniques, guided meditations, visualizations, mantras, nature and somatic-based meditat...view event