Thu, Nov 16, 2023    10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Walk into Wellness: Bluffs Regional Park and Trail
Public -by Katie Paganucci  |  Walk/hike

LEADER/S: Ann Pollock and Blaine Dwyer

LEADER CELL PHONE:  Ann’s cell number (303) 594-5828

WHERE: Bluffs Regional Park and Trail, 10099 Crooked Stick Trail, Lone Tree, CO. From Intersection of Sky Ridge Ave. and Ridgegate Parkway go west on Crooked Stick Trail to parking lot.

DESCRIPTION: The trail is a 3.75 mile soft surface trail.  Easy with some hills, 200 foot elevation gain with some grades exceeding 8 % in short stretches.


DOGS ALLOWED: A certified Therapy Dog will accompany us to share some love!  Please leave your pet at home.


BE SURE TO BRING: Sun protection and water as there is little protection from the sun.  Dress for the weather, trail has little protection from wind or precipitation.

Please sign up as
Hike/Walk Participant
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
3 / 4
signed up
Organizer Info
Ann Pollock
 Bluffs Regional Park and Trail
10099 Crooked Stick Trail
Lone Tree, CO 800124
After you sign up, a reminder will be sent out 24 hours prior to your start time. You will need to confirm your sign up then.
Need Reminders? If you sign up, we will send you an email or SMS text message reminder around 24 hours before your sign-up.